Mike Rains
Aug 5 - 7, 2025 | San Andreas, Ca | $595.00
REGISTER COURSEThis three-day internal affairs training will provide students with comprehensive instruction on conducting administrative investigations.
The emphasis is on assuring students understand how to conduct a fair, thorough and complete investigation. This course will include information on investigating misconduct complaints, use of force cases, officer involved shootings, in custody death investigations, officer criminal conduct investigations and department-initiated investigations. Students will be immersed in conducting these administrative investigations including deciphering complaint allegations, conducting officer interviews, different types of evidence, determining appropriate findings and producing a complete case report. A full day of the internal affairs training will be dedicated to all the legal ramifications in conducting administrative investigations including an in-depth analysis of the rights afforded to subject and witness officers.
This class is appropriate for individuals who play a role in administrative investigations including Internal Affairs investigators, patrol supervisors, command officers, union representatives and non-sworn staff.